Learning Pit


Welcome if you have just joined, or if you are a regular reader.

This is your place to love your work again.

- from Dr Katya Miles, The Working Well Doctor

Hi guys,

How are things? I've been off grid for a bit.

Went on a once-in-a-lifetime-trip on safari. Real bucket list stuff.

Yes - it was amazing and we saw incredible wildlife.

But there was more too. I learnt and felt my perspective shift.

"Be willing to be a beginner every single morning."
-Meister Eckhart

Have you been on safari? Is it your kinda thing? This was my first...

...after landing we discovered the 4x4 hire car we requested wasn't available. (We'd chosen an SUV as rumour had it the some roads had potholes.)

No biggie we thought, as we drove off in a standard hire car, how bad can these potholes be?

Very - as it turns out!

The final leg of our journey took us down a farm track. Recent rains had washed the mud away in places, revealing rocks.

Our poor hire car didn't really stand a chance, and we arrived with it in a sorry state, nursing a punctured tyre.

Meanwhile, I got a text reminding me to wear closed trainers at night.

Why? For scorpions.

Can't say I'm a huge scorpion fab tbh.

Not the most auspicious start!

...fast forward ten days and I was strolling with open toed sandals, enjoying driving and the stunning wildlife, loving every minute.

What happened?

I learnt.

A lot. I learnt by asking and observing.

I drank in the stunning wildlife and space to think.

I reflected and I wrote.

I made time for mindfulness.

I connected with warm people, and got to know our wonderful hosts, a couple who shared not just their lodges, but their kindness, and their local knowledge. I learnt a lot from them. (and they changed our tyre!)

And my perspective shifted.

Armed with a little learning (a 4x4 is essential, trainers are only needed at night in the bush), I gained freedom to explore.

And in the process my world view expanded.

We all learn and adapt.

It can be tough; you may fail. And get up, and try again.

When you succeed it feels absolutely amazing. Your whole perspective shifts.

Some call this process The Learning Pit.

It's central to growth and a powerful tool to transform your life.

All you need is the willingness to try.

When was the last time you were in the Learning Pit?

What did you learn?

Two Weeks to Go to your Spring Recharge Retreat! - Register Now

"a life saving experience and life changing . thank you"

If you want to a more gentle home-grown way to shift your perspective, join us on the Spring Recharge Retreat. I think you'll love it!

It's £195 but as a special thank you - all Thrive Well News subscribers pay £100.

  • Day long retreat on May 12th 2023.
  • Click here to Register

What's included

  • Creative writing workshop
  • Mindfulness in nature
  • Values and vision workshop
  • Time to reflect together
  • At the wonderful Sheepdrove Organic Farm & Eco Venue - click here
  • With the amazing Jo Hacking
  • Lunch and all refreshments included!

  • Explore what is really important for you - now and in the future
  • Enjoy the company of like minded folk in a supportive space
  • Any questions? Hit reply and ask away!
  • Please share this with anyone who may be interested - (if they book you earn a 10% discount code to use on any one day retreat)

Fresh Ideas for You

  • For more on the Learning Pit, click here

  • Take a breath. Yet another way we can benefit from taking time in nature. - read on.

  • Ever had a complaint? Here's a great conversation about how to stay calm.

  • Good news - the ozone layer will be completely recovered soon. Read more here.

What People Are Saying - after Training with me -

Very interactive and energetic speaker, got us all talking and thinking outside the box"
-GP Conference attendee, 2023

If you'd like me to run your next Workplace Wellbeing Training - I'd love to help! click here to book a chat!

Till next time, take care.



The Working Well Doctor

Workplace Wellbeing Specialist

Wellbeing at Work Trainer

Career Coach

Love Your Work Again



"Thanks for the really helpful session last week. Interview went well-got the job!!"
- Coaching Client, Dr Louise - GP

"Thanks as always for our...session just now. It's like a burst of warm ... sunshine which is a great feeling! "

- Coaching Client, Dr Sarah - Porfolio GP

Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it, forward this to your friends and tell them to subscribe.

Previous Thrive Well News covered - It is OK to not be OK, Choices, & Imposter Syndrome


If you don't find value in these emails you can of course unsubscribe - no hard feelings! {but if it's just this one, please hit reply instead and let me know how I can improve :)}

The Working Well Doctor

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